An impromptu motivational speech at a Climate Change march in downtown St. Louis.
Written by Brian:
Communicating Climate Change in a National Park: Yale Climate Connections
Climate Bites: a climate communication toolkit
Motivation to stop climate change came from work as a park ranger: Citizens’ Climate Lobby News Blog
Sharing what works. Communicating climate change in a national park: Climate Access
Answering A Vermont High School Student Worried About Climate Change: Real Skeptic
Humor and Climate Change. An oxymoron? Boomer Warrior
Talking to your parents about climate change: A personal story: Climate Mama
Shine, Baby, Shine! Not Drill, Baby, Drill! Elephant Journal
Want to Change the World? Then Start a Climate Change Group: Myearthprints
Articles written about or mentioning Brian:
Centennial Year: Discover National Parks: Webster-Kirkwood Times
Next Time You Visit a National Park, You Might Get a Lecture on Climate Change: The Atlantic
University City Third In State To Adopt Energy Conservation Code: Webster-Kirkwood Times
Summer in the park: Medford Mail Tribune
Slipping Slowly Into South Florida’s Grassy Water: New York Times
Everglades: At sea in the river of grass: Chicago Tribune
To Entertain or Educate? A Word (or 1,333) in Defense of “Interpretainment” and Humor: by Eric Knackmuhs